Horoscope Matching Report

Marriage is most crucial event of life, decision should be taken after complete analysis and match making of Chart, and otherwise it could land a person in a multitude of sorrows and resentment.

Match making is an important act done in order to check the compatibility between the couple to enjoy married life. A scientific approach towards match making is prescribed in the field of astrology & traditionally astrologers does ‘Gun Milan’, ‘Rashi’analysis for the same.

Nadi astrology however, uses six pillars of Match making apart from gun Milan and Manglik matching to give out the answers the following uncertainties:

  • Longevity ( long life)
  • Good health
  • Nature ( good nature)
  • Character of both and personality trait.
  • Child birth (His /her chart should be positive for child birth).
  • Professional /carrier/ financial growth in chart

    In this report you will get

    • Details about Longevity
    • Details about good health
    • Details about nature
    • Details about character & personality traits
    • Details about capability for Child birth
    • Details about professional /career/financial growth

    INR 5,100

    INR 2,499