Career Report

The means we adopt to sustain our livelihoods and fulfill our aspirations often are prone to ups and downs. However, only those who can stand the tests of time and stand up to the rising of the tide are the ones who make it in the end.

Choosing the right career paths, anticipation of the timings of promotions, changing of jobs, etc. are often the questions which plague the service class nowadays.

These questions, of course can be astrologically solved with the right expertise towards accuracy:

  • When I will get a job?
  • What will be the quantum of success?
  • When I will be at the pick of my professional career.
  • When I will get promotion?
  • When my job will change?
  • When I will get a government job?
  • Job change will be favorable or not.
  • Job change will give financial rise or not?
  • Will I do better in my present job or I should change the job?

In this report – you will get

  • Natal Chart
  • Astrological details
  • Dasa table
  • Answer of your question in detail
  • Career graph in life
  • Remedies to overcome hurdles
  • Gem stone recommendation

INR 5,100

INR 2,499