Marriage (Compatibility)

Marriage is not only a matter of life partners but also a matter of sacrifice, respect to others and entrusting of responsibilities towards family and children. Marriage is all about strengthening relationships & preparing one for societal duties & responsibilities. 

The following are some common questions asked by natives beleaguered by issues of this field:

  1. Compatibility issue between the couple
  2. Extramarital affairs
  3. Disturbances in married life, specific time period.
  4. In extreme conditions – will get a divorce?
  5. Is my husband having extramarital affair, keeping a mistress.
  6. How will be my married life ahead?
  7. Child birth

This report – you will get

  1. Natal chart of couple.
  2. Astrological details
  3. Dasa table 
  4. Effect of marriage houses and signs
  5. Answer to your questions
  6. Future analysis regarding married life
  7. Child birth  – positive time
  8. Strength and weakness of individual 
  9. Remedies

Marriage report

Marriage is often the toughest decisions taken by a person during their life time as it influences how they would spend the rest of their lives and with what kind of a person they’d share it with. It is not just about life partners but also about sacrifice, respect for others, understanding and accepting their spouses & the society as a whole as well. Marriage is all about strengthening relationships and it prepares and conditions us for the social duties entrusted upon us. The following questions often catch the fancy of those who’re of marriageable ages:

  1. When will I get married?
  2. What will I have in my fate love marriage or arrange marriage?
  3. Know about romance and premarital affairs.
  4. If you need to make choice, which should be your choice?
  5. Why my marriage is getting delayed?
  6. Will my engagement break?
  7. Will you not get married throughout life?
  8. Marriage in known circle.
  9. Will my love affair break?

This report you will get

  1. Natal chart
  2. Astrological details
  3. Dasa table 
  4. Planet houses, planets related to love and marriage.
  5. Specific answer to your questions
  6. Love affairs
  7. Type of love affairs- plutonic/ physical
  8. Time of marriage
  9. Remedies
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