1st House | Self
Stands for:Self, health, age, happiness, appearance, character, stature, temperament,  nature, personality, success or failure in attempts, person asking question, fame, child hood, environment, physical body, brain & age.

Significant Planet- Sun

2nd House | Eyes
Stands for:Speech, Wealth, death,  family, vision, education, learning, right eye, self-acquisition, face, transactions, material welfare, second marriage, letter and documents, teacher, lawyers, banker, bonds, security, sentiments, stocks & shares, friends, tongue,documents, mortgages, negotiable & changeable assets, bank balance, gold, silver, ruby, pearls, money matters, acquisition by self ,singing, precious stones. 

Significant Planet- Jupiter & Mercury

3rd House | Longevity
Stands for: Courage, deeds, younger brothers, patience, short travels, writings, relations, confusion of mind, pleasure, arms, servants, velour ,good qualities, large, mistress, neighbors, servant, commissions, ability, memory, intellect, interview, mental inclination, change agreements, negotiations, buses,railways, papers, accounting, mathematics, editor, reporter, messenger, journalist, library, partition of property, printing press, communications, post offices, letter boxes, telephone, lower mind for material advancement, inclination to study, telegraph, television,  architect, astrology, writer, post , journalism, correspondence, publishing.

Significant Planet- Mars & Saturn

4th House | Mother
Stands for: Mother, happiness, property ,conveyances, house, moral virtues,friends, Primary-education, peace of mind, comforts, acquisitions, general welfare, fame, vehicles, wells, cattle, agricultural grains, trade, weather, residence, clarity of thoughts, tent, pavilion, false allegations, where stolen property is kept, fields, farms, orchards, crops, mines, private affairs, secrets, secret life, popularity, alternate lifestyles, pity, clues to stolen intelligence, savings

Significant Planet- Moon, Venus & Mercury

5th House | Knowledge
Stands for: Intelligence, children ,wisdom, speculation, fame, position, mind, emotions, ministerial status, sudden wealth, good morals, father, foresight, memory, enjoyments including sex, speculative tendency, love affairs, good morals, deity ,  knowledge of future life, prestige emotions, ministerial occasions, sports, mantra siddhi, entertainment, amusements, romance, games, drama, music, dance, opera, lottery, gambling, betting, cards, race horse, shares, stock exchange, crossword puzzles, love affairs, court ships, licentiousness, religious mindedness, spiritual practices, rapes, society, romance, fathers’ good deeds.

Significant Planet- Jupiter

6th House | Work
Stands for: Enemies, debts, diseases, job, sorrows, evil deeds, wounds, worries, disappointments, illness, swellings, accidents, theft, obstacles, mental, injuries, imprisonment, cruel actions  fear, maternal uncle, house of deficiency and  wants, service, gains, mental afflictions, unions, injuries, imprisonment, cruel actions, deficiency,needs, service, gains, mental stability, wood, timber, stone, breaking of partnership, instruments, hospitals, prisons, punishment, execution of cruel orders, favorable results in competition, enemy of humanity, center of all six natural enemies of humanity lust, anger, greed, infatuation, arrogance,jealousy, theft.

Significant Planet- Mars, Saturn & Mercury


7th House | Partner
Stands for: husband/wife, partnership,death, sexual desires, marriage, foreign, travels, children, general happiness, business partner, daily transactions, relations with public, general property, open enemies,family relationship, litigation second wife, recovery of lost property, vital power, sexual diseases, sexual passions , diplomacy , trade, marital happiness, business tact, description of thief, foreign affairs, social interactions, partnerships in business, social & official status, desire engagement, unions appointments,vitality,genitals, gifts, adoption.

Significant Planet- Venus

8th House | Ulterior Motives
Stands For:Disgrace, Legacy  degradation, sorrows, debts, death & its cause, impediments, longevity, gifts, unearned or hidden wealth, career, defeat, urinary trouble, fear, loss of money , hidden wealth, foreign travel, husband’s relatives, accidents, delays, scandals, dejection, disappointments, loss, obstructions, wickedness, sin, killing , wanderings, trouble to partners & brothers, mystery, occult sciences, travels,mental pains, impurities, slowness, will, insurance, government punishment, accidentsand calamities.

Significant Planet- Saturn

9th House | Religion
Stands for: Dharma, advance studies, fortune, father wealth, son, religion, deity, worship. Journeys, foreign travel, fame, medicine,  higher mind-wisdom, sudden prosperity, grand children, mobility, moral standards, virtues, gifts, centre holy places, prosperity, charity, luck, mental  purity, Horses ,elephant, faith, legal religious professions, preceptors, teachers, sacrifices, pilgrimage, research, invention, discovery, exploration, methodical meditation, intuition, forethought, moral qualities, foreign journeys, virtues, holy rivers& abundance.

Significant Planet- Jupiter & Sun

10th House | Fame
Stands For:Fame, recognition, independent profession, firmness, determination, self-reliance, patience,  karma, reputation,  respect, bank, honor, foreign travel, dignity, father, position, commerce, action, political power, reputation, command, fame, success, status,doctor,authority, command, morality, position, retirement, agriculture, election, litigation, government jobs, rank, prosperity, good conduct,politics, king, government.

Significant Planet- Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn& Mars

11th House |Gain
Stands for: Gains of money, gains of knowledge, income, profit,realization of objects elder brother and elder sister, wealth, hopes, fulfillment of  wishes, aspirations, success, speculation, discharge from hospital, ears, trade, society, community, freedom from misery, ambitions, wishes, desires fulfillment, marriage,  hopes, friends, recovery from illness, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, gold, wealth. Paternal property, ornament, awards, distinction, cooking, ears & skills.

Significant Planet- Jupiter

12th House | Distance
Stands For: Losses, Sorrows, expenditure, left eye, waste, extravagance, spy, secret moksha, end, poverty ,divine know-ledge, sexual enjoyment, secret enemies, sins, leaving one’s own place, fear , being after death, feet, sleep, awakening from sleep ,wanderings, living abroad, bed comfort, mental worry, loss of wife, death of native, entry into heaven, disputes, misfortunes, liberal out-look, hospitals, jails, travels, expensive profession, imprisonment , restraint, limitations, waste & extravagance, success through occult affairs, life in a foreign place, asylums, discharge of debts, mob fury, loss of life, dispute, body injury, foreign travels.

Significant Planet- Venus & Saturn

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