sade sati

When Saturn transits through the 1st, 2nd& 12thhouse from the natal moon a condition known as ‘Sade Sati’ occurs:Saturn takes two and half years to travel through one sign or in other words it takes seven and half years to cross all the three signs.It is a common belief that…


Remedies are believed to be an integral part of astrology. It has often been found that the astrologers are found to emphasize more on the remedies of the fate at hand due to the requests of the askers. However, one must understand that if the combinations are clear, then one’s…


SUN:  Considered to be the origin of all life: as all the planets have generated through sun It signifies king, father, captain, brilliance, health, political, power, authority, fame, government, places of worship, profession, courage, politician, Doctor, physician, soul, forest, elevation, dignity and heart Disease: Heart trouble, Weak eye sight, baldness,…

Nadi Astrologer

A study once stated that ‘In the name of astrology, ninety-nine percent of astrologers only bluff with limited knowledge in order to fool people & earn a quick buck’.It is only a small fraction that truly knows that astrology is a vast mathematical subject which connects something essential between your…

Manglik Dosh

Manglikis a very popular term nowadays: It is believed that its presence in the chart has bad influence on married life. However, whatmost don’t know is what & whoa Manglikreally is? The term is often brought to the knowledge of the parents during the match making of their children.It is…


‘LalKitab’is obscure versions of Astrology in which remedies are given the top most priority. As per ‘LalKitab’ there is only one Ascendant along with the concept of Varshphal. Following are some combinations and remedial actions are mentioned, which are self-explanatory to the native who believes in science, God and religion…


As per the most of the astrologers, when all the planets come in between the longitudes of Rahu & Ketu, Kal SarpDosh is created. It is believed that if a person has Kal Sarp Dosh then their lives would be filled with perils & problems.Placement of Rahu &Ketu decides the…

What is Astrology?

nowing the future hasfor centuries fascinated mankind. It always has been a deep seatedinterest of most to know what is going to happen in future, how their lives would unfold and above all, what remedial action can be taken if anything bad is going to happen?Astrology, if well used can…

What is GandmoolNakshatra?

GandmoolNakshatra are the ones ruled by Mercury &Ketu and happen to take effect when awhen a person takes birth in any of the six houses: Ashlesha, Mool, Revati, Magha, Jyeshth and Ashwani. When a child born in these Nakshatrasit is auspicious for the father, mother and other relatives, however, the…

Houses in Astrology

1st House | SelfStands for:Self, health, age, happiness, appearance, character, stature, temperament,  nature, personality, success or failure in attempts, person asking question, fame, child hood, environment, physical body, brain & age. Significant Planet- Sun2nd House | EyesStands for:Speech, Wealth, death,  family, vision, education, learning, right eye, self-acquisition, face, transactions, material…